Wednesday 27 April 2011

Sod the Easter eggs...have an ice cream instead!

Wow what pheneomenel weather we had over Easter.  I was wearing my shorts and flip flops it was like being in Ibiza but without the sea, a swimming pool, and no Sangria.  Not that I am complaining, loving the heat and the sunshine, about bloody time after the freezing Winter we had.  I bought a paddling pool for the kids and spent all day in the garden, absolutely fabulous.

However, what does annoy me is we have 2 days of good weather and the news has to report that if it continues there will be a water shortage or hose pipe ban.  For crying out loud, give us a break.  Are we not allowed in this Country to have some good weather without the media bleating on about the environment or how some farmer's crops need a water!  Lets face it next week it will probably be teaming it down with rain, lets not panic just yet!  We should enjoy the good weather whilst it lasts.  I have noticed a pattern that in this country it tends to be nice in May and June, July and August the weather is usually crap!  Well I am going to enjoy it and not worry about something may be never happening!

Another, note on the weather, why do they make statements like, "It is going to snow,".  You listen onto the rest of the report and find out it will snow in Scotland in the outer hebridies, where lets face it a few sheep live!  This Country is so sensationalist about the weather.

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