Wednesday 13 April 2011

Katie Piper we love you!

I watched the final episode last night of Katie Piper and her beautiful friends.  I remember watching her harrowing story of when she had acid thrown in her face by one of her x boyfriends friends.  She has gone through absolute agony, mental torment and countless operations to enable her to look better.  Her beauty still shines through and she is truly beautiful on the inside and out.  She is an inspiration to anyone who has been through adversity.

As I myself have been operated on I found her inspirational and my little niggles pale into insignificance compared to the battles she has had to go through.  Her series has been thought provoking.  I saw a disfigured woman walking in the street and I viewed her differently.  Katie's programme has educated people to think differently about how that person feels when they walk out the door and the challenges they have had to face on a daily basis.

Thank you Katie for opening my eyes from ignorance and enlightening me to view disfigurement differently.  If I ever met you in the street I would shake your hand.  You are an inspiration.  I know you will go on to do great things in your life and I hope what happened to you does not hold you back from doing anything you want to in the future.

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