Wednesday, 2 October 2013

October Breast Cancer Awarenesss month - My book

It's October and Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I will be blogging about lots of events coming up in this month.

I have self published my first book on Amazon Kindle called Odd Socks.  It is out there!  I am getting some good feedback and I am very pleased.  I hope people in enjoy it.  It is a chick flick about a divorced woman called Davina with low self esteem that starts to realise who she is.  You see her grow stronger throughout the entire book and get her life back together after her she throws out her cheating husband Mitch.  If you do read it I hope you enjoy it.  I enjoyed writing it.  All of my writing started after my diagnosis.  It was like a tap I could not stop!

The first Breakthrough event is 18th October - The Great Pink bake off!  So get baking and invite your friends and family over!